Plymouth Staff

Rev. Eric Jackson


Much has happened since Pastor Eric arrived in 2019.  An updated bio is forthcoming.

Rev. Eric C. Jackson was born in New York City and comes to Syracuse from the Brookside Congregational Church, UCC, in Manchester, New Hampshire. Preceding that he served the Smith Memorial Congregational Church, UCC, in Hillsborough, New Hampshire; the Church of the Evangel in Brooklyn, New York; and the Judson Memorial Church in New York City. His commitment to pastoring in these churches was total, and “in my twelve years of ministry,” Rev. Jackson says he has “learned that one’s sense of call evolves over time….to embrace a bold and courageous vision for 21st Century leadership. My passionate commitment to the United Church of Christ is based upon its embrace of theological diversity, democratic church governance, and active dedication to social change.”

Rev. Jackson is currently completing his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut, and earned his Masters of Divinity from The Theological School of Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. He has actively served the United Church of Christ on many planning and policy committees, as well as the Board of Directors of the National United Church of Christ. In 2015 he was selected to participate in the Next Generation Leadership Initiative, UCC, a program that identifies outstanding pastoral and leadership potential in young ministers and provides them with special training and mentoring.

Significant additional activities for Rev. Jackson include his Presidency of the Manchester NH chapter of the NAACP, and an adjunct faculty position at New York Theological Seminary in New York City, teaching Introduction to the New Testament for M. Div. students. He is published by Pilgrim Press.

Rev. Jackson comes to Syracuse with his wife of almost seven months, Darnisa Amante-Jackson, and their 2-½ year old, energetic miniature poodle, Scooter.

Contact Eric: